Igniting the Fire Within…
Empowering yourself
Enriching your community
Taking the step forward and starting my own journey beyond the corporate walls was not done overnight and was anything less than easy. It took immense strategizing, preparation, coordination and support, not to mention long hours and nights of laying wide awake. During these "transformative" years, I reflected on what I actually needed in life, for me personally and for my business. Usually in the middle of the night, I would draw out my thoughts and map out my mind trying to connect the various pieces of so many puzzles that were floating around in head. Usually I was elated with myself that I "finally found my purpose in life," I found that if I expressed these "random" ideas out loud, they were met with inquisitive looks with wrinkled up faces not understanding what I was talking about or where I was coming from, and it was exhausting. My basic creative urges were met with what some thought as absentminded, yet I knew that I was in tune to something, I just couldn't get a clear picture of what that was. The buzzing was impalpable.
Then right after the new year, on a random day, the choice was clear. I went for it, realizing that each moment has led me up to this point. I no longer questioned if I was traveling here as a reformer or a revolutionary, I knew. Each experience, each failure and win, all the doubts and road blocks, led me here, to Mudzie Marketing. I was convinced then I had the power to bring about positive change, and wanted to share it.
You didn’t get to where you are by accident. You had the passion to lead, to create, to do something different; be proud of yourself. Knowing how to do it all is impossible and and an unreasonable expectation to have for yourself or on an employee. Mudzie Marketing is the brain child of someone who has a deep understanding of social connection, which is exactly what we need right now. Lets think exponentially together and waken that activity within.